Photo by Melodee Solomon Do you remember that peculiar but serendipitous feeling when someone’s in your orbit, and you end up meeting simply by virtue of unplanned but repeated, consistent encounters? In 2019 it seems
WELL AWARE 42: Succurro Founder Owyn Ruck on Being A Sensitive Person, Self-Inquiry, Astrology, and Integrity
Articulate, headstrong, deft, hard working, self-aware, sensitive, nurturing, and collectively-oriented are all words that describe Owyn Ruck, the founder of Succurro. Succurro is a space that helps individuals as well as the collective regenerate humanity
WELL AWARE 41: Ryan Lemere on Social Responsibility and Privilege in Wellness
“When you get these jobs that you so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then
WELL AWARE 40: Human Design with Erin Claire Jones
Photo credit: source unknown Human design is a new(ish) way to learn about yourself. Like astrology, you need the date, place, and time of your birth to generate an accurate chart, which looks something like
WELL AWARE 39: Erika Bloom on Pilates, Bodywork, Body Reading, and Unpacking Self-Love
Photo credit: Live the Process; edit by Lindsay Mueller Erika Bloom is one of the most literate bodyworkers I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. I trekked to her Upper East Side studio—which was